Tier 3 weight loss, the exercise specialist. (Spoiler – she’s epic)

These are my diary notes from using a Tier 3 Weight loss Service that I inadvertently found myself on, after years of research I took the plunge and asked the GP for a gastric surgery review (I do have a strong reason). However I was advised that I’d need to undertake a Tier 3 Weight Loss Service with Why Weight (The Bariatric Consultancy Ltd) for originally one year…but now I’m told it’s two…so here I am, after feeling initially frustrated – throwing myself into this in the hope of actually shedding some weight and (hopefully) avoiding surgery!

Today I had my initial call with the exercise specialist. I was very worried about this element as I have a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia which makes mobility pretty tricky some days, I get around on crutches – ditch them when I can get away with it! Some days I feel like I need a set of wheels beneath me to function, but I am utterly determined to keep on my feet as much as I can.

I ended up speaking to someone who had contributed to designing a phased exercise program at Why Weight as the person I was assigned to was off sick. I can not tell you how relieved I was to hear that she got it. The exercise specialist turned out to have many years as an Occupational Therapist under her belt and a seriously good understanding of how the body worked.

The validation that came from speaking to her was huge, she clearly understood how hard it was to exercise and actually gave me hope that not only could I potentially become much stronger and fitter, but also feel much better too. She explained how various body parts worked and even gave advice that would help me not just with weight loss, but also with my general well being. I’m really looking forward to receiving all of her information and getting started on a very slow, gradual phasing program.

She also gave me information on what I could ask the GP for to help with my current disabilities. I can’t really express how helpful she was.

They explained that through the many negative experiences I’d had, where I’d started exercising and endorphins reined, I felt great at the time, but put myself on the sofa for some time afterwards, leaving my husband to pick up the pieces with the children, it was so important to do this really slowly and follow the plan, in essence show my brain that exercise wouldn’t cause me massive difficulty. But also build things up very slowly too.

She taught me many things, surprise information that stuck:

Sugar can increase inflammation in the body (even fructose from fruit sources) who knew?! Not me anyway…. She recommended that I didn’t cut it all out, but maybe reduce intake.

Dehydration can cause huge pain in the body and make it much harder to function. The message was clearly drink water. Our bodies are 70% water, so many parts of our body need it. I’ve dusted off my Brita filter bottle!

I realise cutting down sugar or drinking water is not new news. The surprising part was the benefits that could come from doing this in terms of pain and disability.

I was SUCH an exercise addict in my teens and twenties, aerobics, gym at least 5 times a week, I feel hope for the first time that I could get a little of that back…maybe!

Excited for the possibilities and things to come!



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